What is Relationship Sovereignty?

Relationship Sovereignty is an advanced Practitioner program, specifically curated to give you cutting edge relationship skills as a Practitioner. Relationship Sovereignty will have you develop your own intellectual property, so you can stand out like a beacon of light to your clients, who are seeking support with their relationships.

This program is designed to give you the edge as a Relationship Coach and is the highest level to your Family Freedom Protocol & Family Freedom Protocol Master Practitioner training.


 Helping You Achieve Success

Develop Your OWN Intellectual Property

We’ve been traditionally taught to think about relationships as only with an intimate partner, but in actual fact we live in a relational universe and if we want to master life, love, abundance & fulfilment, then we need to master relationships of ALL kinds. And… it starts with the most important relationship of all: The relationship you have with yourself.

From here we can then work on how we relate to others, how we create our realities and how we relate to the universe at large.

Relationship Sovereignty is very different to the previous programs, in the way that it is specifically focused on how we relate to ALL the people in our life, because, let’s be honest, how we relate to these people can either enrich our lives beyond imagination, or make it a living hell.

Relationship Sovereignty is designed to get into the nitty gritties of how we relate to others and give it a complete overhaul, to have you and your clients align to thriving, happy, healthy & loving relationships.

The other stand out feature of Relationship Sovereignty, is it is designed to also activate your own inner genius and enable you to create your own intellectual property. This will give you the confidence, and the ability to really hone in on your skills and your client’s needs, and not compare yourself to anyone else..

Because this will be YOUR Program.

Relationship Sovereignty is the ultimate program to create happy, healthy & thriving relationships. It’s very different and it works.

Relationship Sovereignty

is taught during a 5-Day Live event

You have the choice to travel to the destination or join from anywhere in the world via zoom.
There is no extra cost to attend the in-house live event.

Over the 5 days of immersion learning to be a Relationship Sovereignty Practitioner,
you will master the deep understanding and knowledge of:

The Different Trauma Types

The different trauma types, so you can easily identify them in your clients, and know exactly how to help with absolute confidence.

The Effects of Trauma in the Psychology

The effects of trauma in the psychology of the mind, nervous system and in our DNA and energy body, so you can help clients bring all aspects of their being back into alignment and thrive.

How Trauma Affects

How trauma affects reactions, behaviours, habit loops and leads into deep shame responses, and how to help your client break free of this.

The Different Types of Narcissism

The different types of narcissism and the effects of this on relationships & how to heal from this, whether you have been a victim of a narcissist or have narcissistic behavioural patterns.

The Frequency of Agreements

The frequency of agreements, how to dissolve them & create new empowering ones.

A Deeply Healing Group

A deeply healing group facilitated breathwork session.

Create Your Own Intellectual Property

Create your own intellectual property, your own Relationship Sovereignty program for your clients, drawing on your own unique skills and training.

In addition to the 5-Day LIVE event of

Relationship Sovereignty Practitioner Training

you will receive:

Full emotional support from my team of experts throughout the 5-Day event and continuous support in the Relationship Sovereignty Facebook group

Demonstrations & Interventions of all processes

Training Manual

How to create a high paying Signature Program

Certification on Completion

Creation of your own Intellectual Property

Private message group with continuous support

6x fortnightly 1-1 coaching sessions with a Practitioner Sovereignty Certified Coach

3 x Kinesiology Sessions


Ongoing LIVE group mentoring on the 24th of each month with Emma Romano

where you can ask your questions and receive guidance, practitioner support & business training.

Relationship Sovereignty

Finance options available to eligible participants starting at $57 a week. Want to explore your finance options?  Simply contact us and we can start the process.
